Saturday, August 25, 2018

Catching Up

Hello everyone!  I hope your week has gone well. It’s been a pretty eventful one here, but that’s nothing unusual. I didn’t prepare a formal blog this week, either. The last few weeks I’ve tackled some really deep, provocative topics, and amazing and eye opening as it has been, I needed a break from all the gravity of it this week. Instead, consider this an informal little chat. After all, we all need a little levity every now and then, don’t we?

This whole month seems as though it’s zapped by so fast. From Pampered Chef parties to getting ready for school, I feel as though I’ve been in a whirlwind. Most of all, writing the last few posts has been both heartbreaking and cathartic. At heart, I’m a nerd. I love research. I love learning, and trying to understand things. Being able to do that and relate that same information for others, well, it just feels good to me. More than that, hearing the stories about women struggling with loss has opened up a new understanding in me. So often, if something doesn’t personally affect us, we ignore it. I think if we all took a moment to think of others, try to put ourselves in their shoes, the world would be a much better place.

The thing is, guys, I’m loving writing this blog. Even though so many times, I feel like I’m only shouting into the void of the internet, it’s still an amazing experience. Knowing that what I am writing is reaching people, on no matter how small a level, is boggling to me. Never in my wildest dreams did I think anything I wrote would ever reach nearly 600 people. I know that doesn’t seem like a big number, but to me? That’s HUGE. I started this blog just as a way to talk about issues that interest me, and it’s wild to know that so many of you have tuned in to read those words. I thank you all so very much, and hope that you’ll stick with me. I’m still learning, not just about blogging, but also about who I am. It’s pretty cool to have so many of you on that journey with me.

As I said, this month’s been crazy. Just this week, we’ve finished shopping for Scoot’s back to school wardrobe, and she got to go to Open House and meet her teacher. She even made a new friend in her class! I have to say, even though school hasn’t formally started yet, I am loving her new school. I’ve already had a chance to meet with the principal twice, and that doubles the amount of times the principal at her old school talked to me, despite numerous requests. I’m excited to see how this school year will turn out for her, and what goals she will reach. Already I can see that this school is different, and I know she’s going to love it.

Also this week, we discovered that my brother and his wife are expecting a little girl! I can’t wait! I’m so proud of the man my brother is, and knowing that he’s going to be a father in just a few months is so cool to me. I can’t wait to watch him grow into the wonderful father I know he is going to be. Even though we are as different as night and day, I love that the older we get, the closer we are. Seeing him become the man he is has been one of the most important things in my life. He’s a fantastic husband, a good person, and I know without a doubt that his little girl is going to wrap him right around her finger!

I guess that’s all for me this week. I know this hasn’t been much of a blog, but I wanted to take some time just to update you all on my life, and what’s going on in it. As always, I’m working on a list of future blogs, and am always interested in what you guys want to read about. If you have any suggestions, let me know! Until next time!

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